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Hungary Photos

After last summer in Uganda, I think I have some form of blogging-PTSD. As it turns out, writing about every single day for twelve weeks can really turn you off the whole idea altogether. It's been well over a year since I returned from that trip and I have posted exactly once in that interval. Even worse, as of today it's been exactly two months since I left Canada for Europe, and I haven't even posted anything about that! Still in recovery, it seems. ...

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UpdatesAJ D'AgostinoComment
Uganda Days 83-85: Last Hours in Kampala

I'll be honest, I very nearly forgot to write this. How ironic would that have been, if I'd stuck to this blog the entire time I was here and then forgot the last post. When I did remember, it was during dinner, so I wasn't sure if I'd even have time to write it, on account of having not packed anything at that point. Thankfully, I managed to breeze through it relatively quickly, and I was packed and showered by 9 o'clock. I'm not leaving for the airport until around midnight—so after all of that, I have too much time! I'm ready to go with two or three hours to spare. Really, I'd just like to get on with it! ...

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Uganda Days 79-82: The Final Week

Four days since the last post, and I still don't have much to write about! I've spent the majority of those four days just working on cover letters for job applications or otherwise staring at the screen and wishing they would write themselves. The good news is that I've made progress. The bad news is that there's a lot of progress still to be made. Somehow these things always take much longer than I expect them to. Evidently, cover letters do not come naturally to me. Do they come naturally to anyone? At any rate, my last weekend in Kampala will be devoted almost entirely to getting these finished. ...

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Uganda Days 76-78: Pride

Okay, so technically I leave next Tuesday, not Monday, but the flight is at 3 a.m. so I'm counting it as Monday anyway. Yes, exactly one week from now I'm sure I'll be darting around like a mad man trying to make sure I've got everything packed, stressing about my departure. I hate that part, the last few frantic minutes, followed by the cab ride and the security checks, all the luggage and the lines. Once I'm finally sitting on the plane, I'm happy. ...

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Uganda Days 73-75: The End of the Internship

It’s hard to believe that today was my last as an intern at FHRI. Where did the time go? But first—I’ve got a few days to catch up on.

Wednesday was quite a normal, uneventful work day, until the torrential downpour. Ironically, a day or two before this I was thinking about how lucky I am that it never once rained during my walk to or from work. For a city with frequent rainfall, that’s a feat. But it wasn’t meant to be, and with three days to go, I made up for three months’ worth of rain in one evening. ...

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